Our CSR approach
Baking Good Better
Climate change, preservation of biodiversity, global food safety, energy transition, transformation of agricultural and production models…
Faced with these major challenges, Délifrance is fully convinced that as a food company it has a key role to play.
Last year, we wrote our company’s mission:
Our roots are in the soil, the grain and our French baking know-how.
Together everyday we grow and share this heritage and our love for baking.
Responsibly, creatively, deliciously.
Through this mission, we confirmed two notions that were crucial when defining our CSR strategy: responsibility and our pride of belonging to VIVESCIA.
VIVESCIA launched its own sustainability policy, LINK, in June 2022. At Délifrance, we have structured an ambitious CSR strategy, fed by the framework set by the Group but which is still our very own, directly linked to the impacts of our business, our DNA, values and ambition.
We named our approach Baking Good BETTER. "Better" means taking action now all together and ensure sustainability is at the heart of everything that we do to protect what is most precious: our planet and our people.